Monday, March 17, 2008

Join Us

Our Mission
We exist to recruit and elect Republican municipal, legislative, statewide and congressional candidates. We work in concert with the MassGOP and other Republican and conservative organizations and individuals to identify and train civic-minded individuals to run for and win elective office in Andover, Massachusetts.

Welcome to our good fight.

Contact Us Today
Please call or email to see how we can specifically use your help right now!


John Moffitt, Chairman (978-470-8500)
Paul Adams, Secretary (978-688-7740)

We look forward to meeting you soon and seeing you on the battlefield.

1 comment:

Peter Cotch said...

Good job, Paul. Sorry that we were unable to join you and fellow committeepersons last Thursday evening. As you know, we had a command performance before the LWV. Those of you interested in seeing a reboadcast of the candidates' night event may consult the local cable television website( times. It can be seen on Comcast Ch. 8 or Verizon Ch. 47.

Turnout will be crucial in this coming Tuesday's election. We have voter sentiment on our side. Getting voters to the polls will be the deciding factor.

This could be the beginning of a significant voter realignment here in Andover. To paraphrase that famous line from "Network", Andover voters are sick and tired and they're not going to take it anymore. They're talking the talk. It's now a matter of getting them to walk the walk.

PLEASE be willing to volunteer on Saturday morning for sign holding on Main Street and Tuesday for polling place support. Thanks!!!

Peter Cotch